ELECTION NEWS.—At Petersfield Market on Wednesday, the 8th inst., John Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P., for Winchester, introduced Colonel Carleton to the Electors of this division of North Hampshire, and addressed the public from the centre window of the upper Market Room, at the Golden Horse, in the square, where the farmers assemble when at market for the transaction of public business. Mr. J. B. Carter, on presenting himself, commenced his address by stating that the Colonel who presented himself at the eleventh hour as a candidate for this division of the county, was one of the brave men who fought in the Crimea without showing a white feather, and was in every way fitted to become a member of the legislature.— Colonel Carleton, on presenting himself, was well received by a large and respectable audience. He commenced his address by thanking the 846 electors of the county for their very kind support by placing him in such a respectable position on the poll, on Friday, the 3rd inst. It was beyond his most sanguine expectations, having been in training only four days previous to the race. He had been objected to by some, who designated him as a Papist. This he most solemnly denied. He was not ashamed to confess that he was a soldier, and if he had been elected he should have given up that profession. He declared himself to be a Protestant Dissenter from the Church of Rome. Notwithstanding this he was warmly supported by an honorable baronet Sir Archibald Macdonald, an elector—who professed that doctrine, and of whose acquaintance he was truly proud. After giving a general exposition of his principles respecting the much vexed unsettled question of Church Rates, Extension of the Franchise, and local Taxation much to the satisfaction of the assemblage, he bowed and retired. It is publicly acknowledged by his opponents, that, had he been earlier in the field, he would, without the slightest doubt, have been now one of the Knights of the Shire for North Hants. Mr. J. B. Carter took an opportunity of denying, in toto, that he in any way coerced or influenced his tenantry at the late election, which he had been charged with; such conduct as this he detested and abhorred. Every person living under him was at all times fully at liberty to act according to the dictates of his own conscience; he never had, neither would he, be guilty of such base conduct. A large number of the liberal electors of the Borough of Petersfield regret exceedingly that Mr. B. Carter did not come out with the same spirit, by introducing and supporting a liberal candidate for the Borough, as he did with his support of Colonel Carleton, for North Hants, and Charles Cavandish Clifford, Esq., for the Isle of Wight county. Had this been done in a spirited manner there is no doubt but a progressive reformer would have headed the poll on Friday, the 27th ultimo, despite the influence of Sir W. Jolliffe, who quietly walked over the course. There is a body of noble veterans quite ready to unfurl their old banners, immediately the bugle is sounded by a good general, and one of the right sort, being determined that things shall not remain in statu quo much longer, as the time is now come that private feelings must give way to public measures.