Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.
It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the death of a most worthy and estimable man, who had been for many years a resident in this neighbourhood, and whose loss will be extensively felt, particularly by the poor of the parish of Steep: we allude to the late Admiral Hawker, of Ashford Lodge, near this town, whose death took place somewhat suddenly, on Friday, the 8th inst., at Brighton, where he had been spending a few weeks for the benefit of his health, which, tor some years past, had been a good deal impaired; he had attained the age of 78. A large portion of his long and useful life was devoted to the service of his country in the active and arduous duties of his profession, and the evening of his days was spent in calm retirement and in deeds of charity. His remains were interred in a vault at Steep Church, on Thursday last, on which occasion many of the principal shops in Petersfield were partially closed throughout the day. A short review of Admiral Hawker's naval career will be found in our naval columns.