FAIR OAK LODGE, NEAR ROGATE, SUSSEX TO be SOLD by AUCTlON, by Mr. J. CAWLEY, on Monday, April the 29th, 1839, by order of the  Proprietor, who is about to leave the above residence.—Five useful COACH and SADDLE HORSES, two Ponies, four handsome Cows in calf one with calf at foot, Coach and Gig Harness, Saddles and Bridles, a handsome Side Saddle, one Sow, 20 dozen of Wine. 200 volumes of useful Books, single and double barrelled Fowling Pieces, two excellent sporting Dogs, Shower and Air Baths, a Copying Machine complete, and other miscellaneous Articles, which will be expressed in catalogue,  to be had at the White Horse Inn, Rogate, and of the Auctioneer, Petersfield.—The Sale to begin at twelve o'clock.

(See also