A shocking accident occurred yesterday morning at the contract works for the steam-basin in the dockyard. A chain guy of one of the derricks, which are used for lowering or raising the stones, broke, and the end striking one of the carpenters who was at work near it, named Cooke, dashed in his skull and killed him instantly, precipitating his body at the same time into the bottom of the excavation, about 26 feet deep. Another man, a labourer, was also thrown over at the same time, and was taken up in a senseless state, and conveyed to Haslar Hospital immediately. He is much bruised, but no bones are broken, and he is doing well. The deceased had not been more than a fortnight in Mr. Rolt's employ. He was a native of Petersfield, about 28 years of age, and has left a widow and one child, an infant.