Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     FAULKNER TESTIMONIAL.—It will be seen by advertisement in another part of the paper, that it is proposed to raise a fund for the benefit of that veteran whip and most worthy man Mr. Frank Faulkner, on his retirement from the ‟road” consequent upon the opening of the ‟rail,” having occupied the ‟box” for 52 years. We have no doubt the proposal will be cordially entertained by the public generally between Portsmouth and London. The subscription is headed by Sir Archibald H. Macdonald, Bart., and J. Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P., each 10l.

Hampshire Telegraph - 04 December 1858

     MR. FAULKNER.—We are glad to perceive that it is proposed to present to Mr. Faulkner, who is so well known and so much respected by the inhabitants of these towns for his high character, undeviating courtesy, and integrity as formerly and for so many years driver of the ‟Rocket” Portsmouth and London coach, and now of the ‟Rocket” Petersfield and Godalming coach, with a substantial testimony of approval, on his retirement from the active duties of a profession which he has so ably filled for the lengthened period of 52 years. As, on the opening of the Direct Portsmouth Railway, his services as driver of the ‟Rocket” coach will no longer be required, and it is feared that at his advanced time of life his means of earning a livelihood will consequently be much curtailed, when most needed, it is proposed to raise by subscriptions a fund, which is to be invested in the purchase of an annuity for his benefit, by which, it is hoped a comfortable provision may be made for him in his declining years. We are quite sure that a large number of our fellow-townsmen will gladly avail themselves of this opportunity to bear testimony to Mr. Faulkner’s merits by contributing to the required fund.

West Surrey Times - Saturday 18 December 1858


     TESTIMONIAL TO MR. FRANK FAULKNER.—It is now proposed to present Mr. Faulkner, the driver of the old ‟Rocket” Portsmouth coach, with a substantial testimony of approval on his retirement from the active duties of a profession which he has so ably filled for the lengthened period of fifty-two years. On the opening of the Direct Portsmouth Railway, his services as driver pf the Rocket Coach will be no longer required, and it is feared that at his advanced time of life, his means of earning a livelihood will consequently be much curtailed when most needed. Under these circumstances it is proposed that all those who are able and willing to bear testimony to the high character, undeviating courtesy, and integrity of this veteran whip should aid in subscribing a fund to be invested in the purchase of an annuity for his benefit, by which mean it is hoped a comfortable provision may be made for him in his declining years. Suscriptions will be received for this purpose at Messrs. Mellersh & Keen’s bank, in this town, and at the Banks at Petersfield, Guildford, and Kingston. Already various sums have been contributed, the subscription list being headed by Sir Archibald Macdonald, and Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P., for £10 each. Admiral Seymour, Sir William Erle, Sir Charles Taylor, and other resident gentry, have likewise handsomely contributed. We hope the appeal will meet with a hearty response from all those who have been associated with Mr. Faulkner, or have made his acquaintance ‟on the box.”