PETERSFIELD.—FIRE.—On Monday night a fire broke out at Bramshott, near Liphook, in a stable belonging to Sir Archibald Macdonald, Bart. The whole of the stables, together with the harness, and a cart-horse were burnt. The fire was caused by a lanthern, containing a light, being knocked down by one of the horses, during the temporary absence of the carter.
DETENTION OF THE MAIL CART, AND ACCIDENT IN A SNOW DRIFT.—A great deal of snow has fallen at Petersfield and the surrounding neighbourhood, during the last few days. The roads are almost impassible in many parts, so much so, indeed, that it caused the detention at Petersfield of the mailman from Liphook to Fareham until Thursday morning. On Thursday evening, an accident happened to Herdy, the Portsmouth carrier, as he was returning to Petersfield. He fell into a drift of snow, and his horse falling on him, he would have been smothered had it not been for the prompt assistance of a person who was with him as a passenger.