PETERSFIELD.]—On Wednesday last a fire broke out suddenly, about ten o’clock at night, in the homestead-yard of Mr. Robert Chase, of Tye Oak Farm, Harting, Sussex. We are sorry to say that the progress of the flames was not arrested until the whole of the farm buildings were destroyed, as were also two fine calves, whose carcases were completely calcined. There were also about fifty sacks of wheat, and a quantity of oats, &c., consumed. The whole of the buildings and stock, we are happy to say, was amply insured. Had the fire broken out at a later hour, there is no doubt but the dwelling-house would have been destroyed also; but by timely exertions in pulling down part of a wash-house adjoining, and thus cutting off the communication, the progress of the devouring element was stopped. Up to the present time no clue has been obtained as to the origin of the fire, notwithstanding a reward of £25 has been offered; but it Is conjectured to have been the work an incendiary.