Early on Thursday morning a fire broke out on the homestead of Mr. William Jerman, at Stoner-hlll, Froxfield, near Petersfield, and before any assistance came to hand so rapid was the progress of the flames that five fine homes were completely destroyed by the devouring element, the bodies of the whole being completely calcined, more especially a mare, which expected to foal daily. A large barn, with the whole of the out-houses and large straw stack, were also consumed, in addition to the poor horses. We hear that the property was insured, but how the fire originated is at present a mystery.
Worcester Journal - Saturday 27 May 1854
About one o’clock on the morning of the 11th inst., a fire broke out at a farm belonging to R. Steel, Esq., in the occupation of Mr. William Herman, of Froxfield, near Petersfield. Although great exertions were made to rescue the horses, five of these poor animals were burnt to death.