TO be SOLD, or LET on LEASE, —An old-fashioned FAMILY RESIDENCE, in a cheerful Market Town in a beautiful part of the county of Hants, two hours distant from London, and five minutes walk from a first-class railway station. The House contains drawing room, library, dining room and waiting room, three best bed rooms and two dressing rooms, four secondary and seven servants' bed rooms, housekeeper's room, &c. The entrance is from the Market-place. The drawing room looks upon a lawn. A large private walled garden, well stocked, and containing vinery and garden house. There is stabling for six horses, coach houses, cowhouse, and other out-offices.

     The whole comprises nearly two acres, and Meadow Land would be let in addition, if required. 

     For particulars inquire of Messrs. Dunn and Co. solicitors, Alresford, Hants; and for cards to view of Mr. Steel, 1, Spring-gardens, London; and Mr. W. Adams, Buriton, Petersfield.