Standing on the Nursted Estate close to the Town of Petersfield, Hants, in 10 Lots.

     MESSRS. F. & A. MELLERSH will SELL by AUCTION, at the Red Lion Hotel, Petersfield, on Monday, the 16th April, 1855, at two o’Clock,—734 Prime OAK TIMBER TREES, with the Lop, Top, and Bark thereof, as now standing on the above Estate.—The above Timber is principally of very large dimensions, lengthy, sound, clean grown, and with very considerable Lop and Top. It is most advantageously situate, being close to hard roads, and altogether is well worth the attention of the Trade who require first class Timber, suitable for Navy Purposes.

     May be viewed, by application to the respective Tenants on the Estate, who will show the Lots, and Printed Particulars and Conditions had at the Red Lion Hotel, Petersfield, and of Messrs. F. & A. MELLERSH, Valuers and Estate Agents, Guildford and Godalming.