MR. MEERES is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the red Lion Inn, Petersfield, on Thursday, November 17th, 1859, at Three o’Clock, (subject to conditions to be then and there produced) the following ELIGIBLE PROPERTY, situate at Chapel-street, Petersfield, with a frontage of 89 feet, abutting on the road, and within five minutes’ walk of the railway station,—Two Freehold DWELLING HOUSES, with workshop, convenient out buildings, and large gardens, pleasantly situated, now in the several occupations of William Dixon, and Elizabeth Windebank, as yearly tenants.

     The above property is free of land tax, and is well worthy the attention of purchasers, either for occupation or investment.

     For further particulars apply to

W. MITCHELL, Esq., Solicitor;
Or to the Auctioneer, Square, Petersfield.