TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by W. MINCHIN at the Dolphin Inn, on Friday, July 31st, 1835, at four o'clock in the afternoon,—The following desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising three newly-erected Dwelling-houses, substantially built with stone and slated.—Also, two detached Cottages, with fuel houses, and other out-buildings, and a large productive garden, the whole containing one rood and twelve perches (more or less) situated on the border of Woolmer Forest, is the Parish of Liss, in the occupation of Mr John Withall, the Proprietor, and others.

    Valuable Common Rights are attached to this Property, which is situated within the borough of Petersfield, and might, at a small expense be converted into respectable Residences, giving to the occupiers votes for the Borough.

    For a view of the property apply to Mr Withall, on the Premises, and for further particulars (if by letter, post-paid), to the Auctioneer, or to Mr Mitchell, Solicitor, Petersfield.