HANTS and SUSSEX.—To BREWERS and others. —To be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Red Lion Inn, Petersfield, on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 4 in the Afternoon, by Messrs. S. and H. J. HOGG, by order of the Assignees and Mortgagees of Mr. Henry Holdaway, a bankrupt, the following PROPERTIES, viz :— 

  1.     All that newly-erected Dwelling-house and Premises, with brewery, spirit stores, malt-house, stables. &c., &c., situate in the Spain, Petersfield, in the county of Hants, late in the occupation of Mr. Henry Holdaway; these premises have a frontage of about 55 feet, and extend in the rear about 223 feet; from the front there is a commanding entrance hall and staircase, on the right of which is a lofty and well-proportioned breakfast-room, on the left an elegant dining-room measuring 23 feet by 17 feet, with massive marble chimney piece, &c. From the entrance hall there is a passage leading to a commodious room, used as an office, for which it is well adapted, as it commands an uninterrupted view of the yard and every portion of the business premises. This floor is in all respects replete with convenience. The kitchen is cheerfully situated and arranged, and fitted most conducive to the domestic comfort of a family. There are four cellars and a dairy, which are commodious and lofty, dry, and well fitted with every requisite for the storage of wines, for which they are from their temperature well adapted. From the entrance hall there is a wide and commanding staircase, with a convenient landing. The most important feature on this floor is the truly elegant drawing room, 13 feet high, measuring 23 feet by 17 feet, with two French windows with stone balconies to the east and south, from each of which are pleasant views of the distant country and surrounding hills. There are four large and well-proportioned sleeping-rooms, and one dressing-room; there is also a mahogany-fitted water-closet well supplied with water (by force pump) from a lead cistern. The premises have been built within a few years, regardless of expense, are now in the most perfect condition, and fit for immediate occupation. The business premises comprise the malt-house, brewery, hop, and other stores; also an excellent spirit store, with loft over, stabling, coachhouse, piggery, sheds for waggons, carts, cow-house, &c., and are so arranged as to afford every facility for conducting the business of a Brewer, Maltster, Wine and Spirit merchant. These premises are held under a lease for 1,000 years, commencing on the 21st December, 1742, at the yearly rent of 1d. 
  2.      All that Public-house, situate in the Spain, Petersfield, known as the Bricklayers' Arms , having a frontage of about 38 feet, and extending to the rear about 108 feet, comprising large and commodious bar, bar-parlour, and well-fitted tap-room in the front, cellar, store-rooms, with kitchen in the rear, large shed and stabling, with yard and pump of excellent water, a large and well stocked garden, pig-sty, and other convenient offices, 3 sleeping-rooms, with 2 attics over. This property is freehold, and is in the occupation of Mr. Robert Bennett.
  3.      All that well-known Public-house, the White Lion, situate in the parish of Moonstone, and adjoining the village of Exton, on the London-road; these premises are modern, having been built within a few years, and are consequently in a through state of repair; they are pleasantly situated, and have a frontage to the road of about 50 feet, with a productive orchard and pleasure grounds, and a well laid out garden, having a frontage to the road of about one hundred and seventy feet, a large portion of which appears well adapted for building purposes. There is also about an acre and a half of rich arable land adjoining the road. Nearly adjoining the public-house are well-arranged stables for twelve horses, lock-up coach-house, pigsties, large yard, enclose all round with a newly-built stone wall and folding gates.The present tenant has occupied the premises during the last four years, and, in addition to the tavern business carries on that of a baker, grocer, and tea dealer, for which there is ample accommodation. The house comprises entrance hall, with portico in front well paved, conveniently fitted bar, bar-parlour, measuring 19 feet by 15; near the bar is another room, now used as a baker and grocer's shop, large taproom, dairy and pantry, slated shed, forming a dry passage to the bakehouse and cellar, from which there is an approach to the yard, in which is a capital skittle alley, a pump of excellent water, and other convenient offices, &c. The upper part of the house contains a large club-room, divided at pleasure into two rooms by a boarded partition, and now used as dining and sleeping rooms. There are also four other full-sized and well-arranged sleeping rooms. The house is in full trade, and requires only a good and genuine article to render it one of the best public-houses in the neighbourhood. This property is copyhold of inheritance, held of the manor of Moonstone, and is now in the occupation of Mr. Mansfield.
  4.     All those well-known premises, the Wyndham Arms , situate at Rogate, in the county of Sussex; this public-house is in the very centre of the village, in a commanding situation, having a frontage of sixty-seven feet; the tavern accommodation comprises front bar, parlour, and commodious tap-room, with an excellent and well-fitted cellar. This property has directly in communication with the Tavern Business, a Baker and Grocer's Shop, which, from the situation, forms an important auxiliary to the trade of the house. This is rendered still more complete by the addition of a capital bakehouse, so that any man with even limited capital and the ordinary amount of industry, must necessarily ensure a good living. There is an excellent stable and coach-house, with loft over, piggery, and convenient offices, a yard, having large folding gates enclosing the whole. The upper part  of the house contains a large dining-room, adjoining which is a large club-room, divided by partitions, and now used as three bed-rooms. There are also two other good sleeping-rooms. This property is freehold, and is now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Aylwin, jun.
  5.      All that substantial Brick and Stone-built Public-house, known as the Black Fox, situate at Mill-land, in the parish of Trotton, Sussex, adjoining the main London-road, two miles from Liphook, six from Petersfield, six from Haslemere, and six from Midhurst, having a frontage of about 75 feet; also a meadow fronting the road to the extent of about 180 feet, with a large and highly-productive garden, well-stocked with fruit. The house comprises cellar, bar-parlour, tap-room, club-room, dairy and pantry, large washhouse, with oven and copper, extensive and substantially built piggeries, stable, with loft over, coach-house, &c., &c., and a well of excellent water at the back. In the upper part of the house are four sleeping-rooms. These premises are in a capital state of repair, and from their central situation must always command an excellent trade. This property is held under a lease for 10,000 years, commencing on the 23d January, 1583, at the yearly rent of one red rose. 

The above property will be put up in one lot, subject to such conditions as will be produced at the time of sale, and if not sold in one lot as aforesaid, will be immediately afterwards offered in two or more lots, as may be determined on by the vendors. An arrangement may be entered into for a portion of the purchase money to remain on mortgage. The respective tenants will show the property. Printed conditions of sale and further particulars may be obtained on application to Henry Harpur, Esq., Solicitor, 1, Kennington-cross, London; Messrs. Wilkinson and Gurney, Solicitors, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street, London; John Rogerson, Esq., Solicitor, 50, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London; J. F. Groom, Esq., 12, Abchurch-lane, London; James Light, Esq., The Rushes, Petersfield; William Minchin, Esq., Solicitor, Portsea; Mr. Edwin Albery, Solicitor, Midhurst; or the Auctioneers, Union-road, Landport, Portsea.