Borough Farm and Lands, in the Parish of Buriton, in the County of Southampton.
MR DANGER, (by direction of the Trustee of the Will of the late Mr. J. MELLERSH), at the Red Lion Inn, in Petersfield, in the County of Southampton, on Wednesday, the 8th day of February, 1860, at Two for Three o’clock in the Afternoon, (unless the same shall be previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given),—All that very Desirable FREEHOLD FARM and LANDS, called ‟BOROUGH FARM,” situate in the Parish of Buriton, in the County of Southampton,—consisting of a superior DWELLING-HOUSE, with Barn, Stables, and other necessary Outbuildings, two Cottages and Gardens for Labourers, and 142A. 3R. 12P., by admeasurement (more or less) of most excellent ARABLE, MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, (whereof 15 acres only are Arable), late in the possession of Mrs. Mary Mellersh, deceased.
Also, all those several Closes, Pieces, or Parcels of Arable and Meadow, or Pasture Land adjoining the aforesaid Farm, containing together by admeasurement 30A. 1R. 39P. (more or less), of' which 25A. 1R. 27P. are Arable, and the residue Meadow or Pasture, and late also in the possession of the said Mrs. Mellersh.
☞ The last-mentioned Lands are held by Lease under the College of St. Mary Magdalene, Oxford, for a term of 20 years, at a Rent of 20s. 10d. in Money, and the payment of one hundred and seventy-three and three-quarters gallons of good sweet Wheat, and 187 gallons of good sweet Malt, or the value thereof respectively in Money.
The above Farm and Lands form together a most compact Estate, and are situate within a quarter of a mile of Petersfield aforesaid, and are, in every respect, worthy the attention of Capitalists, either for investment or occupation, and the Purchaser will have possession on the completion of his purchase.
To view the Estate, apply to Mr. Minchin, Printer, &c., Petersfield, and detailed Particulars with a Map of the Estate may be had on application, either to Messrs. Blackmore and Son, Solicitors, Alresford, Hants; Mr. Danger, Land Surveyor and Auctioneer, Wembdon, near Bridgwater, or to
Bridgewater, Somerset.
Dated 31st Dec. 1859.