Known as ‟Buck’s and Goldring’s,” situate in the parish of Rogate, Sussex.

     MESSRS. F. & A. MELLERSH will SELL by AUCTION, at the White Horse, Rogate, on Friday, August 26th, 1859, at Two o’Clock, in two lots, that desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY known as BUCK’S FARM,  well situate in the parish of Rogate, comprising cottage, barn, stable, and lean-to, two orchards, garden, and two closes of capital Arable Land, the whole in extent about 6A. 1R. 0P., as now in the occupation of Mr. Berriman.

     Also a piece or parcel of ARABLE LAND, known as GOLDRING’S, most eligibly situate close to Rake in the parish of Rogate, consisting of 7A. 1R. 10P., as now in the occupation of Mr. James Lintott, yearly tenant.

     To view apply to the respective tenants, and further printed particulars with conditions of sale, may be obtained of WILLIAM MITCHELL, Esq., Solicitor, Petersfield; and of Messrs. F. and A. Mellersh, Estate Agents, &c., Godalming and Guildford, Surrey.