Four miles from Petersfield, and twelve from Farnham.
TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by MINCHIN and SON, on Tuesday September, 1851,—all the important and valuable Live and Dead FARMING STOCK of Mr. John Ayling, who is quitting the above farm.
The Live Stock comprises four powerful court horses, a fine Suffolk cart colt, rising four years; two handsome cart fillies, rising three years; a nag ditto, rising four years; two very fine fillies, rising two years, by Fallow Buck; two cobs, four years old, quiet in harness; a very useful black nag mare, in foal, by Fallow Buck; a capital pony, under height, quiet in harness; six ponies; nineteen choice cows in calf, eight two-yearling heifers in calf, five weaned calves, a two-yearling bull, and eight barreners in high condition; thirty store pigs, sow and pigs.
The Dead Stock consists of about 43 tons of prime Meadow and Clover HAY, waggons, carts, ploughs, ladders, and various other farming implements.
Also a quantity of household FURNITURE, which will be expressed in catalogues, to be had in due time on the premises, at the inns in the neighbouring towns, and of the Auctioneers, High-street, Petersfield.
Sale to commence at twelve o’clock.