Capital RESIDENCE with Lawn, Garden and most convenient Premises, suited to a good Family Establishment.
MR. GODWIN is instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Dolphin Inn, Petersfield, on Wednesday, the 13th of June, 1860, at Three o’clock in the afternoon,—The following Desirable PROPERTY:—
A substantial old-fashioned FAMILY RESIDENCE, situate in the town of Petersfield, in the county of Hants, about two hours distant from London, and five minutes’ walk from the Railway Station.
The House contains drawing room, library, dining room, and waiting room; three best bed rooms, two dressing rooms, four secondary, and seven servants’ bed rooms, housekeeper’s room, and appropriate offices.
The entrance is from the Market-square on the east, and the drawing room looks upon a lawn to the west.
There is a large private walled garden, well stocked with vinery; also stabling for six horses, coach-houses, cow-house, and other pit offices. The whole comprises nearly two acres.
The Property is nearly equal to freehold, being held for the unexpired term of 1000 years, subject to a small annual quit rent, and a nominal sum for heriot on death or alienation.
For particulars and cards to view the premises, apply to
MR. STEELE, 1, Spring Gardens, London;
To the Auctioneer, Winchester; or
Messrs. DUNN, HOPKINS, and Co., Solicitors, Alresford.