TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by W. MINCHIN, at the Dolphin Inn, Petersfield, on Wednesday, October 8th, 1834, at Four o'clock, (subject to conditions of sale, to be then and there are produced),—A Rich and Compact form, and an excellent water corn mill, well supplied with water, working to pair of stones, and having a good Grist Trade attached to it. The quantity of Land is 52 Acres, (more or less), of which about thirteen Acres and two Roods are good dry, and eighteen Acres superior Water Meadow; the remainder, (except about two Roods, which forms a fish pond and withy bed), is excellent Arable Land.
There is a good Farm-house, Barn, Stable, and convenient Agricultural Buildings; and also, contiguous to the Mill, a Cottage, Piggeries, and Out-buildings, all situate at Liss, in the county of Southampton.
The Mill and the contiguous Cottage and Out-buildings, and about two Acres of Land, being let to Messrs. John Edwin and Henry Mills, as tenants from year to year, at 60l. per annum; and the remainder of the Estate being in the hands of the Proprietor, Mr Francis Edwin; all the Premises can be Let on Lease at a Rent which will render the Property a very eligible Investment of Capital.
For further particulars apply to Mr Francis Edwin, on the Premises; or (if by letter, post-paid), to Messrs. Mellersh & Marshall, Solicitors, Godalming; or to the Auctioneer, Petersfield.