About two miles from Petersfield Station.
Excellent drawing and dining-room FURNITURE, two, beautiful carved hall seats, and, chimney board, splendid goose feather beds, hair and wool mattresses, with suitable equipment for 10 bed rooms and dressing rooms. Very superior young Brougham Horse, quiet to ride or drive; handsome Pony, three first-rate Cows, Donkey, Sow and Six Pigs, 12 tons of fine Meadow Hay, three sets of good harness, saddles and bridles, handsome covered sociable, hand carriage, light cart, ladders, &c.
MR. G. ETHERINGTON has been favoured with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on the premises, on Monday, 23rd July, 1860, and following days,—The entire EQUIPMENT of the above residence.
Drawing Room contains splendid Brussels carpet and rug to match, handsome rosewood chairs with imitation needlework covers, splendid easy chair to match, fancy cane seat chairs, cottage pianoforte by Broadwood, sets of very handsome damask curtains with brass poles, handsome gilt chimney glass, loo, occasional, work, and other tables, inlaid bird’s eye maple bookshelves, couch and Ottomans stuffed in hair with needlework and chintz covers.
Dining Room, set of mahogany dining tables, sideboard, cane seat chairs, damask window curtains, dumb waiter, capital tapestry carpet and rug.
Hall and Library, splendid carved seats and chimney board, handsome bookcase, library tables, secretary, chairs, hat stand, mahogany and other tables, drugget, matting, mats, 8-day dial, damask window curtains and brass poles.
The Bed Rooms comprise handsome four-post and other bedsteads, prime goose feather beds, hair and wool mattresses, wardrobes, chests of drawers, dressing tables, washstands and fittings, bed-room carpets, damask and other curtains, Pembroke and other tables, chimney, cheval and other glasses, easy and other chairs, and the usual equipment of ten bed rooms and dressing rooms.
The Offices consist of capital 8-day clock, dresser and shelves, tables, chairs, china dinner, tea, and dessert services, good copper preserve and stew pans, copper kettles, 19 graduated saucepans, china, glass, fenders, fire-irons, butler’s trays and stands, a great variety of cut champagne, wine, ale, rummers, tumblers, and other glasses, quart and pint decanters, balance ivory handle knives and forks and carvers, moderator and dining room lamps, capital patent mangle, flat and Italian irons, flaskets, large brewing plant of mash and tun tubs, coolers, seven hogsheads and other casks, pails, funnels, dairy utensils, milk tins, cream pans, butter tumblers and butter tubs, pork and other tubs, and a large quantity of other useful articles.
Out Doors, a very superior young Brougham Horse, quiet to ride or drive, handsome pony, three first-rate cows, donkey, sow and six pigs, 12 tons of fine meadow hay, handsome covered sociable, hand carriage, light cart, three sets of good harness, saddles and bridles, ladders, wheelbarrows and other articles.
May be viewed two days prior to the sale.
Catalogues may be had at the principal Inns in the neighbourhood, at the place of Sale, or of the Auctioneer, Dragon-street, Petersfield; who will be happy to forward one to any address on application.
Sale to commence each day at Twelve o’clock.