HAMPSHIRE.—IMPORTANT SALE of valuable FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD FARMS, with Homesteads, and all necessary Agricultural Buildings, together with Seven Cottages, with Gardens and Buildings.
MR. C. FURBER begs to notify that he has been favoured with instructions from the Executors of the late John Earwaker, Esq., deceased. to SUBMIT to PUBLIC COMPETITION, on THURSDAY, August 11, at Twelve for One, at the Mart, the valuable FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, situate and being at West Meon, in the county of Hampshire, comprising 437a. 0r. 29p. of rich arable, pasture, and meadow land, divided into three compact farms, known as the Home, the Hall, and Bottom Farms, with comfortable homesteads, barns, stables, and all the necessary agricultural buildings, together with 14a. 0r. 33p. of thriving plantation, affording excellent cover for game, with which the estate abounds. In the village of West Meon, and within a short distance of the Home Farm, there are five cottages and gardens, with barn, stable, and farm-yard, in a ring fence, as also two other tenements, situate and being in East End-street, West Meon, with gardens and out-houses. The farms are now let upon leases, to highly-respectable and responsible tenants, at very moderate rentals; and the estate produces 306l. per annum. The lands are in a high state of cultivation, lying well together, with capital roads intersecting the estate, leading to and only distant from the important market towns of Peterfield, 7 miles; Alton. 11; Alresford, 8; Fareham, 14 miles, and from the city of Winchester 12 miles. This sale offers to the capitalist secure and advantageous investments, and terms having been named by the lord of the manor for the enfranchisement of the copyhold portion, it may be presented for as an estate freehold of inheritance.
The estate will be sold in lots, particulars of which, with plans and conditions of sale, are preparing, and may be obtained 14 days prior to the sale, of' Messrs. DUNN, HOPKINS, BLACKMORE, and CARTER, Solicitors, Alresford; of Mr. T. EARWAKER, on the Estate; of Mr. FURBER, Above Bar, Southampton; at the principal inns in Winchester, Petersfield, Alton, and Fareham; at the Mart, London; and at the Auction Offices, in Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn.