To be Sold by Auction, by
On Tuesday the 28th day of January, 1862, at Twelve o’Clock precisely.

     THE whole of the Valuable and Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mrs. Jeffery, who is quitting her house in Dragon Street, Petersfield, comprising an elegant drawing-room suite, in rosewood and green damask, Brussels carpet’s, mahogany telescope, dining table, mahogany easy and other chairs, very handsome mahogany sideboard, mahogany and japanned French bedsteads, chests of drawers, capital feather beds, handsome glass and china dinner and breakfast services, quite perfect. The whole is in an excellent state of preservation.

     Catalogues may be had five days prior to the sale, at the Red Lion, Petersfield; the Eagle, Midhurst; the Anchor, Liphook; the Bear, Havant; and of the AUCTIONEER, Petersfield.