The Effects of the late Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Charles Paget, K.G.H.
MESSRS. WINSTANLEY have received directions from the Executors to SELL by AUCTION, at Fair Oak, between Petersfield and Midhurst, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th instant, and following days, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, china and glass, plate and plated articles, a few books and framed prints, cases of stuffed birds, composition busts and terra cotta vases, model of a yacht, sixty dozen of wine principally old Madeira, the table and bed linen, a mangle, brewing and garden utensils, and plants, a land roller, two carts, pony phaeton. &c.
To be viewed on Monday and Tuesday, the 22d and 23d instant, when catalogues may be obtained at the residence; of Mr. Parsons, High-street, Petersfield; at the Angel, Midhurst; of Mr. Weller, Chichester; at the George, Portsmouth; and of Messrs. Winstanley, Paternoster-row.