College Street, Petersfield.

     MR. MINCHIN has been favoured with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Red Lion Hotel, Petersfield, on Wednesday, the 21st day of September, 1859, at three o’clock in the Afternoon precisely, (subject to such conditions of sale as will then and there be produced,)— All that desirable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, situate in College-street, Petersfield, the front of which is enclosed with an iron railing and flower garden, and tastefully arranged and set out, many years in the occupation of the late Miss Andrews, and now of Mr. Henry Peskett.

     The house consists of a dining room, sitting room, and kitchen on the ground floor, with an entrance hall, drawing room and two good bed rooms on the first, and three good bed rooms on the second floor, a small green house, and out-houses with walled-in garden.

     The property is held under a Lease dated 10th January, 1789 for 999 years at the yearly rent of 1s., on death 1s., and on alienation 1s.

     The whole has been recently repaired at considerable expense.

     The Town of Petersfield has now the advantage of a Railway communication with London and Portsmouth.

     To view apply to the Auctioneer, and for further particulars to Mr. MELLERSH, Solicitor, Petersfield, or to Messrs. Osborn, Garrett, Newman, and Appleby, Surveyors, Fareham.

(See also 24-Mar-1860)