The SALE of LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK of BORDEAN FARM, Eastmeon, near Petersfield, advertised to take place on Tuesday, October 4, 1853, will be held on MONDAY the 3d of OCTOBER.

Three miles from Petersfield and eight from AIresford.

      W. A. & S. MINCHIN have been honoured with instructions from Executors of the late Mr. John Wake to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY the 3d of October, 1853, —All the valuable LIVE and DEAD FARM STOCK comprising

300 South Down EWES, 78 Ewe and Wether LAMBS, three RAMS,

13 active Cart Horses, Pony, quiet to ride or drive, Cow in calf, yearling Heifer, Sow and Nine Pigs, Sow in pig, and five fine Shuts; two waggons with iron, and five ditto with wooden arms; two raved carts with iron arms, six dung carts, four two-wheel ploughs, foot plough, eight harrows, three drags, nine-share, two rollers, land presser, water barrel and carriage, eight pair trace harness, six pair thill ditto, 12 pair plough ditto, bit halters and collars, leather-headed halters, set latten bells, sheep troughs and cages, about 35 dozen hurdles, ladders, light covered spring cart, with steel springs; four-wheel pony chaise, with steel springs; two sets gig harness, and the usual assortment of agricultural implements.

     Catalogues may had in due time on the premises; Fox, Bramdean; Swans, Alton and Alresford; Red Lion, Westmeon; Ship and Bell, Horndean; Anchor, Liphook and of the Auctioneers, High-street, Petersfield. 

Sale to commence at twelve o’clock.

(See also