Petersfield, in Mr. Bone's Meadow, near the Railway Station.—Capital Live and Dead Farming Stock.
MR. G. ETHERINGTON has received instructions from Messrs. J. and W. Dear, of Eastmeon, to Sell by Auction, on Wednesday, the 20th day of April, 1859, all the very valuable
the proprietors declining business, and will be sold without the least reserve; four very high bred handsome Norman and Alderney cows, two valuable young active horses, good double shaft waggon, nearly new, by Sturt; two other waggons, two carts, 3-horse iron roller, by Cannings; winnowing machine, nearly new, by Tasker; chaff cutter, drags, harrows, ploughs, good wood roller, ridders, sieves, trace, thill, and plough harness; fan and heaver, three good ladders, and all necessary implements required for a farm of 200 acres.
The above may be viewed on the morning of sale, and catalogues may be had at the principal inns, and of Mr. Teadsdale, builder, Haslemere; and of Mr. G. Etherington, auctioneer and general valuer, Petersfield.