MILLAND HOUSE, Sussex, on the Borders of Hants, Two Miles from Liphook, Six from Petersfield, and Thirteen from the Railway Station at Godalming, recently opened.—LlVE STOCK, Agricultural, Brewing, Dairy, and Garden Implements, Manure, Greenhouse Plants, remaining Furniture and Effects.
MESSRS. SHUTTLEWORTH and SONS, having disposed of the above estate by Private Contract, will SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, on THURSDAY, Oct 25, at Eleven precisely, in consequence of the shortness of the days, THREE capital ALDERNEY COWS in calf, a grey cart-horse, two excellent breeding sows, ten or fifteen store pigs, hay carts, ploughs, harrows, harness, stable, brewing and dairy utensils, a marquee by Staff, with curtains and poles; garden seats, lights, and implements; about 500 greenhouse plants, including two very fine orange trees in tubs, chestnut and iron hurdles, a large quantity of oak, elm, and fir poles, fire wood, and useful stuff; a ditto of iron-work in gratings, hinges, bolts, nuts, screws, &c.; about an acre of potatoes, and sundry crops of vegetables, manure, and numerous out-door effects. Also about 50 lots of household furniture, including some bedsteads, bedding, and chamber appendages, a mahogany winged library bookcase, sideboard, dining tables and chairs, and miscellaneous articles.
May be viewed the day prior to the sale; and catalogues obtained at the Anchor, Liphook; the King's Arms, Godalming; on the premises; and of Messrs. SHUTTLEWORTH and SONS, 28, Poultry.
(See also
22 May 1849)