PERPETUAL ADVOWSON and NEXT PRESENTATION to the desirable VICARAGE of CATHERINGTON, six miles from the Market Town of Petersfield, about five miles from the Havant Station, on the Brighton and South Coast Railway, and in the direct line of the projected Railway from Portsmouth to Guildford.
MESSRS. GADSDEN, WINTERFLOOD, and ELLIS have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, on FRIDAY, July 28, at Twelve, the above valuable VICARAGE, comprising a comfortable parsonage-house, offices, and garden, together with the commuted rent-charge, in lieu of tithe, amounting to 280l. per annum; the present incumbent is about 84 years of age, the population small, and the locality most desirable.
Particulars may be had at the Dolphin Inn, Petersfield; Wheat Sheaf, Chichester; Bear Inn, Havant; the George Inn, Portsmouth; of Messrs. MALTON and BAYNES, Solicitors, 60, Carey-street, Lincoln’s-inn; at the Mart; and at Messrs. GADSDEN, WINTERFLOOD, and ELLIS’S Offices, 18, Old Broad-street, City.
Staffordshire Sentinel - Saturday 08 July 1854
The advowson of Catherington, near Petersfield, Hants. Commuted rent charge, in lieu of tithes, 300l. Patron, J. Hayward, Esq.