REVERSIONS under the Bankruptcy of T. Waller, of Petersfield, Hants.
MR. BOYES is directed by the Assignees to SELL by AUCTION. at Garraway’s, on THURSDAY, Nov. 8, the following PROPERTIES, in Two Lots :—
Lot I. The Absolute Reversion under the will of Mr. Thomas Shoell, late of Petersfield, to the Bankrupt's Life Interest, after the death of his wife, in a Copyhold Farm at Steep, Hants; let at 140l. a year.
Lot 2. The Absolute Reversion, on the death of a gentleman aged 73, and a lady aged 71, to one-fourth of a sum in Consols and other Securities, amounting to 640l.; also the Bankrupts’ Life Interest, some in Leasehold Ground-rents.
Particulars may be had at Garraway’s; of J. R. CHIDLEY, Esq., Solicitor, 19, Gresham street; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, 3, Abchurch-lane.