HAMPSHIRE.—Valuable FREEHOLD FARM, in the Parish of Hawkley, together with a Rent-charge in lieu of Tithe.
MESSRS. HOGGART, NORTON, and TRIST, have received instructions from the Devisees in Trust under the Will of the late Wm. Postlethwaite, Esq., to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Mart. on FRIDAY, Sept. 10 (instead of August 27, as previously advertised), at Twelve, a valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Standfast Farm, situate in the parish of Hawkley, two miles from the romantic village of Selbourne, seven from Petersfield, five from the Alton and 19 from the Farnborough Railway Stations, on the South-Western Railway, in the county of Hants, comprising 67 acres of useful arable, meadow, hop, and wood land, with a double cottage and garden, barn, hop-oast, stabling, yard, and other buildings; also, a Rent-charge in lieu of tithes, arising from about 25 acres of land, in the parish of Hawkley.
May be viewed, and particulars, with plans, had of J. J. TOURLE, Esq., Solicitor, 12, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane; at the Mart; and of Messrs, HOGGART, NORTON, and TRIST, 62, Old Broad-street, Royal Exchange.