Two and a Half Miles from Petersfield.
MR. G. ETHERINGTON has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on Tuesday, September 27th,1859, the LIVE and DEAD FARM STOCK of Edward Daniell, Esq., who is leaving the above Farm.
Four strong active Cart Horses; on two-year-old Colt; Sucking ditto; two Heifers, rising two years old; Weaning Calf; two capital Sows in Pig; seven fine Shuts and a quantity of Poultry.
Double shaft iron arm waggon, wood ditto, three good dung carts, two ploughs, two drags, three harrows, iron and wood rollers, four-horse power thrashing machine, capital chaff cutter, turnip cutter, sets of trace, thill, and plough harness, set of carriage harness, winnowing machine, by Bennett, iron rick stead, six dozen hurdles, bushel measure, barley thumper, ridders, horse hoe, shovels, prongs, s??, grease jack, cucumber frame and two lights, and many other farm implements.
A small quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; mash tub, two tun tubs, one 30-gallon and one 25-gallon cask, a quantity of very useful BOOKS, and other articles, which will be enumerated in catalogues to be had in due time at the place of sale, the principal Inns in the neighbourhood, and of the Auctioneer, Dragon-street, Petersfield.
The Sale to commence at Twelve o’Clock.