LONDON, April 29.
Last week some Officers taken in French Privateers, who were upon their Parole of Honour in and about Petersfield in Hampshire, deserted; but on strict search it was discover’d they were set forwards for London, and proper Persons soon traced them, and were informed where they were to land, which was at or near the Steel-yard in Thames-street; on which proper Application was made, that Persons might attend for their Landing, which was granted, and proved to have the desired Effect; for on Wednesday Night a Boat, in which were some, landed at the Steel-Yard, who were immediately secured and carried to the Tower Goal, one of whom, it is said, is the Captain of a Privateer that was fitted out to take the valiant Capt. Lockhart; and Yesterday it being suspected some more were secreted in the City of London, Application was made to the Lord-Mayor for Search-Warrants to find them, which were granted.