PETERSFIELD,—A glorious victory has been obtained here by the people over the old Tory interest of the borough. The nomination took place on Monday; the candidates were Hylton Jolliffe, Esq., a decided Tory, whose pocket borough it formerly was, and Cornthwaite John Hector, Esq., on the reform interest. The days of polling work Tuesday and Wednesday, and notwithstanding the threats and intimidation used by the Tories, Mr Jolliffe could only number 87 voters, 46 of whom were his own tenants; several tradesmen have been threatened with having their trade taken away because they would not vote against their conscience for a man whose family and himself have kept the town in a state of bondage for a century. But those who threaten this anti-English and anti-constitutional mode of proceeding had better mind what they are about. Such conduct must not be tolerated in one instance. On the day of nomination we observed several persons with notices to quit on their hats, who were turned out of their houses and premises after the election of 1832, many of them for remaining neuter. One elector stated that his brother and two cousins were turned out, the one a helpless female, the other a poor cripple! With all the dirty attempts and doings, at the close of the poll the numbers were— 103 for Hector, and 87 for Jolliffe.—Correspondent of a London Paper.