Godalming and Portsmouth Railway.
The works on this new line of railway are progressing rapidly as the difficulties of country through which it goes will permit. Messrs. Brassey and Ogilvie, the contractors, have sub-let the work to various hands, and each is busy with his portion. Near this place the work is in a very forward state; one third of the pile driving is done, and the viaduct is being carried forward through the marsh. The embankment and cutting through Westbrook park is nearly completed; and at Witley the line is also forward. The works in the neighbourhood of Haslemere have been carried on with vigour during the last two months, a great number of men being employed upon the line. But the heaviest piece of work on the new line, namely, Buriton tunnel, near Petersfield, is almost finished. It is not expected, however, that any portion of the line will be opened for traffic until 1857, when the whole will be completed from Godalming to Havant, and the journey between Portsmouth and London will be considerably shortened.