CRICKET.—A match was played at Hambledon, on Tuesday last, between the Hambledon and Petersfield Clubs, the latter winning with nine wickets to go down. The bowling of Messrs. Etherington and Clear, on the part of Petersfield, was very good, as also the batting of the Rev. W. S. Richards, Messrs. Chase, Seward, and Beasley; and the excellent long-stopping of Mr. Robert Stephens was admired by all. Some of the better players of the Hambledon eleven were rather unfortunate; Mr. Langrish, who played a good driving game, made some fine hits, and retired after making a long score—7 and 48. The day was remarkably fine, and all was pleasant; indeed, it could not be otherwise when two elevens met in so friendly a manner. The following is the score:—Hambledon, first innings, 35; second innings, 83. Petersfield, first innings, 75; second innings, with nine wickets to fall, 44.