The following is a list of the prisoners who received sentence:—
Seven Years’ Transportation.—John Bartlett, for stealing a lead pipe at Basingstoke, the property of Sarah Chandler, having been previously convicted; and Joseph King, for breaking into the dwelling-house of Mary Longland, at Sandy-hill, in the New Forest, and stealing therefrom a watch and other articles.
Nine Months’ Imprisonment.—John Turner, for stealing a canvass bag and divers articles, at Romsey extra, the property of George Benham.
Six Months’ Imprisonment.—Mary Ann Hills, for divers felonies committed in the Isle of Wight; Henry Brazier, for stealing four sovereigns, four half-sovereigns, and other monies, at Sockerly, the property of Henry Solomon Yates; Henry Hounsome and George Hobbs, for stealing six ducks at Petersfield, the property of John Jones; Henry Morris and Wm. Hall, for having stolen a live pig at Burghclere, the property of John Cozens; Richard Brown, for stealing twelve pieces of weather boards at Hyde, the property of Francis Reed.
Four Months’ Imprisonment.—Geo. Parris, for breaking into the dwelling-house of Henry Chalk, at South Stoneham, and stealing therefrom four shillings and a penny; and George Ward and William Jones, for uttering counterfeit coin at Eling.
Three Months’ Imprisonment.—Ann Webb, for stealing a gold watch and other articles, the property of Charles D'Oyley John Lowder, esq., of Ryde; James Shutler, for stealing a bag and bread at Fordingbridge, the property of Ambrose Wood; John Snook, for stealing a coat and other wearing apparel at Nursling, the property of George Penford; Henry Kewell, for stealing three pints of beans, the property of his master, James Christmas; Alfred Tanner and Saml. Gulliver, for stealing deer in the New Forest, the property of the Hon. Grantley Berkeley; David Lansley, for stealing seven ducks at Laverstoke, the property of Thos. Jordon; William Cracknell, for assaulting Wm. Burford, his father-in-law, at Brockenhurst; William Woods, for stealing three quarts of barley at Titchfield, the property of his master, Moses Gardener.
Two Months’ Imprisonment.—Martin Kelly, a Royal Marine, for stealing a picture frame on board a ship; Sarah Moth, for stealing divers articles at Newchurch, the property of Arthur Fowles, her master; George Yarlett, for stealing ducks at Laverstoke.
Six Weeks’ Imprisonment.—Joseph Mears and James Roberts, for stealing two coats at Titchfield, the property of Richard Wooldridge; James Munday, for stealing two fowls, the property of James Goodchild; Thomas Fielder, for stealing a piece of wood at Bentworth, the property of William Garrett.
Twenty-one Days’ Imprisonment.—Charles Feltham, for having obtained goods under false pretences at Romsey, on the 14th day of October; William Willis, for stealing a shovel at Holybourn, the property of James Davis; William Hobbs, for stealing a silver dessert spoon at Bursledon, the property of Henry Winkworth; Wm. Withers, for stealing an iron wedge at Romsey, the property of James Beauchamp; John Duddins, John Harvey and George Denyer, for stealing two cotton shirts at Alverstoke, the property of James Wilson; Henry Vase and George Hurt, for stealing two bushels of apples at Crondall, the property of Edmund Smith ; George Blundy, for stealing ducks at Laverstoke; John Digby, for stealing four rabbit traps at Titchfield, the property of James Westbrook; George Callard, for stealing three oak poles at Hambledon, the property of her Majesty; Edward Moyle and Edward Cunningham, for stealing two geese at Rowner, the property of John Stares.
Acquitted.—John Gee, charged with stealing a coat at Newport, the property of Thomas Foot; John Henwood, charged with stealing 7 lbs. of flour at Odiham, the property of Henry Downs; Geo. Lovegrove and William Lovegrove, charged with stealing 5lbs. of cork, the property of Jacob Barton, at St. Lawrence, Isle of Wight; Henry Hilliar and Maria Hilliar, his wife, charged with stealing wearing apparel at Newchurch, the property of John Brown; William Paice and Thomas Prout, charged with stealing three fowls, the property of Henry Rundell; George Stacey and John Long, charged with stealing three trusses of hay at Odiham.