The Chief Constable’s Report was read by Mr. Woodham. It laid before the Court the usual returns referring to the state of crime during the past quarter, and the general orders which had been issued. One of the constables had been summoned to the County Court for an act done by him in the execution of his duty. The Chief Constable considered his subordinate justified in his conduct, but the deputy County Court Judge had decided to the contrary, and given judgment for the plaintiff. The case was then submitted for counsel’s opinion, which corroborated the Chief Constable’s views, and the latter therefore asked that the recommendation in the opinion should be carried out on the part of the county, under the care of counsel.

     The noble CHAIRMAN explained that the policeman had stopped a cart in the dark, near a spot where sheep-stealing had occurred, and the owner being a man formerly convicted. The government authorised constables to search suspected persons. On this occasion it was too dark to adopt a search thoroughly, but the constable endeavoured to search the cart and properly so, as he (Lord Eversley) considered. Mr. Coleridge, the counsel appealed to, thought the County Court decision was clearly wrong, and that evidence should be expunged that ought not to have been taken. A new trial was directed to be moved for, and counsel retained on behalf of the county. It was feared the efficiency of the police would be interfered with, if such a case was allowed to go over unattended to.

     The recommendation was then agreed to, and the retaining of Mr. Poulden ordered for the case in question.