PETERSFIELD.]—The continuation of heavy storms of rain, which have fallen daily during the last fortnight in this neighbourhood, has impeded the harvest operations very materially. There is an immense quantity of wheat, which has been ready to be operated on with the sickle for some time past. Fine sunshiny weather is now much needed, as the wheat is beginning in many places to grow out in the ear, although not cut. The hops are looking well in all the gardens, and bid fair, for the present, of an abundant crop. larger, it is anticipated, than has been known for many years, in quantity and quality.
The authorities in this town on Tuesday last raised the price of bread one halfpenny the four-pound loaf, which has caused much dissatisfaction and discontent amongst the inhabitants, in consequence of the London markets remaining stationary on the previous day. Some explanation is also required for the alteration taking place on the Tuesday instead of Thursday, which is the usual day for falling. The present price is sevenpence the four-pound loaf.