(Before Mr. Commissioner Holroyd.)

      PETERSFIELD.—The bankrupt, an extensive brewer, malster, and spirit merchant, at Petersfield, came up for the purpose of passing his last examination, but as his balance sheet was not correct and required amendment, he was adjourned until the 29th of August next, at half-past two o'clock. The accounts which he has filed commence January 1845, and end May 1848, and are as follow—

     Dr.—To creditors £2540  13s  7d ; ditto holding security, £3190  2s  6d.; liabilities, £91  7s  1d ; capital, £2387  17s  5d; profits, £1832  9s   6d; amount received of Mr. Holdaway's  property, £247;  Total, £10,289  10s  1d.

      Cr.—By debts as good, £536 6s 3d; doubtful, £91 19s; property, £750 10s;; ditto in hands of creditors, £4500; bad debts, £125 10s 3d; losses, £758 8s 3d ; trade expenses, £2111  8s  2d; domestic expenses, £1324  1s  1d; liabilities, £97  7s  1d; total, £10289  10s  1d.  Protection was granted the bankrupt.

(See also