Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     HEATH FAIR—This fair happening to fall on market day, our town was enlivened by an unusually large influx of visitors. The market was very scantily supplied, the Heath being the chief point of attraction. There was a very full supply of stock, both in beasts and sheep, and also of horses. The demand, however, was slack; and as  the sellers were firm at high prices, but little business was  done. The pleasure fair was also unusually full, and there was an ample sprinkling of the light-fingered fraternity. Several attempts were made to get up a ‟row,” but they were promptly suppressed by the judicious efforts of the police, of whom there was a considerable staff in attendance, under the able and discreet direction of Mr. Superintendent Fey, to whose firm but at the same, time conciliatory manner and excellent tact we are much indebted for the quiet that usually pervades the town and neighbourhood.