On Tuesday morning, at 2 o'clock, on the arrival of Goddard's Portsmouth and Petersfield heavy waggon at Ditton, the driver, whose name is Simpson, was missing, the horses having entered the town at their usual pace, unattended. The guard, who was inside the vehicle asleep, could give no account of the unfortunate driver, who was found lying on the road, some distance at the other side of Ditton, dreadfully mangled, and quite dead. It appears that the poor fellow, owing to drowsiness, had fallen asleep sitting on the shaft, and that he fell underneath the wheel, which passed over his body, and crushed him in such a manner that his death must've taken place instantaneously. The body was conveyed to the nearest public house, to await a coroner's inquest. The deceased was perfectly sober when he was at Esher, the last place he was seen alive. He has left a wife and family.