The old and respectable banking-house of Messrs. Hector, Lacy, and Co., of Petersfield, resumed payment on Wednesday, the 22d inst. Immediately after a public meeting at the Dolphin Hotel, convened by the Manager of the London and County Joint-stock Banking Company, of 71, Lombard-street, a deputation of gentlemen from the above establishment were in attendance, to state the principle upon which business would be conducted in future; also, to inform the meeting that the Directors had taken to the accounts, book debts, &c. of Messrs. Hector and Co., and that all creditors applying immediately at their banking-house, Petersfield, or in London, would have their respective claims paid in full. Mr. Hector, being in attendance at the meeting, was much cheered by the gentlemen in the room for his honourable and noble conduct, after being used in such an unhandsome manner by a few individuals calling themselves gentlemen, who had spread false reports respecting his affairs, also bought up his notes and sent them to be cashed in a mysterious manner. It is said the partie are all known, and their conduct will undergo strict investigation.