A HEIFER AFLOAT AT PETERSFIELD.—On Friday afternoon last a strange object presented itself in the Heath Pond, piece of water containing upwards of twenty acres in extent. It appears that a gallant sergeant-major of a rifle corps, who had ‟mixed in war’s alarms,” was, in passing along the road, struck with the singularity of an object strange in appearance, in the middle of this beautiful piece of water, and he therefore called the attention of the person in charge of Heath House, the mansion of Sir W. G. Jolliffe, to the circumstance, exclaiming, ‟What ghost is that?” After some little time spent in consultation, with no result, the boat was manned by the person before alluded to, and who rowed off upon his adventurous expedition. Upon nearing the object it was discovered to be a heifer, with its head only above water, and on reaching her she was taken by the ear, and in this state, after considerable difficulty, landed on terra firma, evidently to her great satisfaction. It cannot be accounted for why she should have taken this strange freak into her head, except there being some cattle on the opposite side of this wide expanse of water.