HORSE STEALING.—Spearman alias Smith, who was convicted at the late Warwick assizes, has, since his sentence of transportation for life, confessed to twenty robberies of this nature. Through his information, Mr. G. Bentley, of Petersfield, Hampshire, who had a horse stolen and sold in the Birmingham market the next day, a distance of 120 miles, traced the animal into the possession of a respectable individual, who had bought it of a third party, and on swearing to the horse as the one he had lost on a Saturday evening, before Mr. Francis Lloyd, one of the magistrates, that gentleman ordered it to be immediately restored to him. The other party was left to his remedy against the bona fide a seller. Another horse was on the same day discovered and restored to its rightful owner. It is expected that through the exertions now making, parties who have lost horses in this and the adjoining counties will obtain some clue to their concealment. Gentlemen purchasing horses from strangers should therefore be extremely cautious, and carefully ascertain the character of the sellers.