Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. —The adjourned meeting of this society was held on Monday last, in the National School Room, the Rev. J. M. Sumner, president, in the chair, when the report of the committee was read and adopted. The report congratulated the subscribers on the success of the last year's exhibition, though a small balance is due to the treasurer. The amount distributed in prizes last year was upwards of 20l., and it is much to be hoped the usefulness of the society may not be curtailed by any diminution of interest on the part of its supporters this year. It is a subject of much regret that attempts have been made by some competitors to evade the rules, and in some instances they have been successful. We trust this may, if possible, be guarded against for the future as it must, if allowed to go on, sap the very foundation of the society, the aim of which is to encourage habits of industry in the honest cottagers. The committee and officers were all re-elected except that J. Mason, Esq., having left the neighbourhood, the Rev. T. Floud was elected in his stead. A vote of thanks was passed to the following gentlemen, viz., Messrs. Adams, Dixon, Duplock, Macfarland, Mould and Neighbour, who kindly gave their gratuitous assistance on the day of exhibition last year.