The Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales Hereby Give Notice, that a Copy of the Report of the Valuer acting in the matter of the Inclosure of SHEET COMMON and Part of PETERSFIELD HEATH, and also some small Strips of Waste, all situated in the Tithing of Sheet, in the County of Southampton, together with an estimate of the expenses in the matter of the said Inclosure, has been deposited at the Half-Moon Inn, in the said Tithing, for the inspection of all persons interested in the said Inclosure.

     And they further give Notice, that they will, by themselves, or by an Assistant Inclosure Commissioner, hold a meeting at the Red Lion Hotel, Petersfield, in the said County, on the 6th day ofNovember next, at Eleven o’clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of hearing objections to any allotment direction, determination, or matter in the said Report, and of submitting the said estimate to the persons interested as aforesaid.

     Witness my hand, this 8th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1857.

By order of the Board.