INSOLVENT COURT.—In re Cooke.—This insolvent, late a farmer, at Froxfield, who had for many years occupied a respectable position in the neighbourhood, having more than once filled the office of Mayor of the Borough of Petersfield, came up for a first hearing on his petition, supported by Mr. Albery, and opposed by Mr. Mitchell, on behalf of the London and County Bank, by Mr. Rawlins, on behalf of a creditor at Winchester, and by Mr. H. Ford, on behalf of several tradesmen of Petersfield. The latter gentleman took a preliminary objection to the proceedings on the ground that no general balance sheet had been filed with the Petition which he contended was required by the rules of the court, and was absolutely necessary, adding that there were circumstances connected with the present case which rendered it peculiarly so—for instance, Insolvent had charged his estate with very large sums, viz., 2,200l. in one case, and 300l. in another; and the creditors ought to have the means of examining the particulars of these and other items. Mr. Albery said he had conducted a great many similar cases and had never filed a general balance sheet with the Petition. Mr. Ford—We have scores of cases, and I never knew a case in which it was not done. Insolvent (addressing Mr. Ford) with regard to the charge on the estate. Mr. Ford—I shall be glad to hear you Sir, in answer to any questions which I may put to you at the proper tirne. After some further discussion on the objection raised, Mr. Albery proposed to supply the omission by filing a balance sheet; but Mr. Ford contended that this could not be done supplementarily to the filing of the Petition, and cited the rules of the court to shew that they must be filed simultaneously, and that therefore the proceedings in the case must re-commence de novo, and he applied to the court to dismiss the Petition. Petition dismissed with costs.