PETERSFIELD. —The jubilee of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews was held this week. On Sunday sermons were preached at Buriton and Petersfield churches, on behalf of this Society, by the Rev. Dr. Ewald; and on Monday evening a meeting for the same object was held in the National School-room. The proceedings commenced by singing the beautiful hymn, ‟Oh! why should Israel's sons once blest.” &c. and, after the Chairman (the Rev. J. M. Sumner) had offered up some appropriate prayers, the meeting was addressed by the following clergymen: the Revs. J. M. Sumner (chairman), T. Field (secretary to the Petersfield branch), T. Floud, M. A. Smelt, and Dr Ewald, who has been a missionary to his benighted brethren the Jews for the last 30 years, in various parts of the world. He gave a most interesting account of his personal labours in Jerusalem and elsewhere, and shewed how much good had, by God’s blessing, been done through the instrumentality of this Society, and urged on his hearers the importance of rousing themselves to greater exertions in aiding the great and good cause; and above all, not to forget that they could best help forward the work by following the Psalmist’s admonition, ‟Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” remembering the promise which accompanies the precept, ‟They shall prosper that love thee.” At the close, the rev. chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Dr. Ewald for his kindness in coming among them, and, after the Doxology had been sung, the meeting separated. A collection was made, which together with that at the churches on Sunday, amounted to £13 16s 10d.