Kingston and Sheetbridge Roads.

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for a Bill to alter, amend, extend, and enlarge, the powers and provisions of an act passed in the 4th year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the 4th, intituled, 

‟An Act for better and more effectually improving, and keeping in repair, the Road leading from the town of Kingston-upon-Thames, in the county of Surrey, to a place called Sheetbridge, near Petersfield, in the county of Southampton;”

and to continue and extend the term granted by the said Act, and to continue and extend any further term which may have been granted by subsequent Acts of Parliament in extension of the original term with reference to the said Roads, or to repeal the said Act, and enact further and other provisions with reference to the repair and maintenance of the said Roads; and powers will be applied for in the said Bill to levy the same or new Tolls, Rates, and Duties, and to confer, vary, and extinguish, exemptions from payment of Tolls, Rates, and Duties, and to confirm, very, or extinguish, other rights and privileges. And provisions will be made in the said Bill for paying off, compounding, and making other arrangements with respect to Mortgages, Debts, and Charges on the said Roads, and Tolls; and to apportion the existing Mortgage Debt between the two districts of Roads denominated they said Act as the Upper District and Lower District, and to transfer a portion of the Roads now comprised in the Lower District to the Upper District, and to make alterations and arrangements as to the annual sums directed by the said Act to be paid by the Trustees of the Upper District to the Trustees of the Lower District, or to extinguish the same.

     Dated this 1st day of NOVEMBER, 1851

C. E. JEMMETT, Kingston,
Solicitors for the Bill.