Sir,—Every enlightened friend of unrestricted religious education must feel indebted to you, for the able and powerful observations in your last Number, on the resolutions of Lord John Russell. The remarks are so discriminating, argumentative, and conclusive, that the entire body of Dissenters must be satisfied with regard to their point, accuracy, and power. The resolutions are most narrow, defective, and illiberal; and the more they are contemplated and examined by a supporter of unfettered religious education, the more erroneous and ungenerous will they appear.
Still, Sir, I fear, many will be influenced by them. The character and position of his Lordship will operate with some—the manner in which the resolutions are worded, will have weight with others.
We see, already, that the Liberal press has lauded these resolutions highly; and the writer has no doubt whatever, that, when the principles of the odious Education Bill are discussed in the House, many of the liberal members will be induced to sustain these resolutions, instead of decidedly opposing the entire measure.
I have, therefore, been wishing, that the article in your last Number, on the resolutions, could be printed in a cheap form, and a copy sent to every representative, especially every liberal representative. I think, Sir, it would have a most beneficial effect. It would enlighten the minds of not a few, and teach them accurately to discriminate on the subject. As Dissenters, we all respect and value Lord John Russell, for his noble and persevering efforts to maintain and extend our civil and religious liberties; but we cannot, for one moment, regard his resolutions on the Education Bill as being either generous or enlightened.
I remain, Sir, yours, with much esteem,
Petersfield, April 18, 1843.
[The suggestion of our Correspondent had been anticipated, in compliance with the urgent request of several influential persons.—EDITOR.]
(See also Factory Children Employment & Education Bill)