SIR,—Having my attention called this day to a paragraph in your paper of the 24th inst., stating that ‟All the landholders on the line have not only signified their assent, but many of them subscribed liberally for shares,” under a persuasion that you would not willingly allow your columns to be the channel of representing the prospects of the speculation more favourably than it deserves, and thereby inducing others to embark their money in its support, I am induced to state that I had, before the meeting took place, namely, on the 15th inst., stated my dissent in the form sent to ascertain the inclination of each landholder.
The proposed scheme, from the point it touches my property to the point it leaves it, embraces about two miles in extent, and a more influential landowner, whose property adjoining to my estate it passes over to the extent of three miles, had also given in his dissent, making altogether a distance of five miles in continuation, and on the most important part of the line. Should you wish to correct the error which you have no doubt been inadvertently led into, you are quite at liberty to make use of my letter.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient humble servant,
Ditcham Park, Petersfield, Hants, Dec. 30, 1852.